6th Annual Spring Youth Service Learning Camp
Come explore and learn about the Land, Plants and Indigenous People of Pa’an. We will learn how to use the Plants around us for Food, Tools and Fun. We will work to restore the Earth and understand the ways we are bound together with all Creation. We will share our Histories and Love one another across Seeming Divides, all through Fun, Interactive Activities.
When: April 15-19, 2019 (Overnight – Monday to Friday)
Who: Youth in Grades 6-12
Cost: No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Cost of camp is on a sliding scale ($0 – $500) and includes food, lodging, materials, staff support and transportation during camp.
A partnership of the Wukchumni Yokuts Tribe, Pacific Yearly Meeting Youth Programs (Quakers), and Quaker Oaks Farm
Deadline for Registration – March 25
Peace Garden and Video Production Day Camp

July 30th – August 3rd, 2018
8:30am – 4pm Daily
Ages 11-18
Inspired by the annual Spring Service Learning Camp, we want to offer our youth the opportunity to build their own garden and create the media that surrounds it.
Storytelling, physical growth, being a part of something larger, are all sentiments we wish to instill in campers. These young people are future leaders of Quaker Oaks Farm.
For more information please email: gennakules at gmail.com
Roots of Injustice, Seeds of Change
Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples
When: Saturday, March 31, 2-4 pm
Where: Visalia Friends Meeting House
17208 Ave 296, Visalia, CA
Suggested Donation: $5-10
Register: chair@quakeroaksfarm.org or 559-744-3276
The Toward Right Relationship project of the Boulder Friends Meeting (Quakers) offers this workshop in response to calls from Indigenous leaders and the World Council of Churches. The 2-hour exercise traces the historic and ongoing impacts of the Doctrine of Discovery, the 15th-century justification for European subjugation of non-Christian peoples. Our goal is to raise our level of knowledge and concern about these impacts, recognize them in ourselves and our institutions, and explore how we can begin to take actions toward “right relationship.” We provide a Resource Kit with suggestions for continued study, reflection, and action.
In the Doctrine of Discovery, we find the roots of injustice. In the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, we find the seeds of change. How can we nurture these seeds to bring forth the fruits of right relationship among all peoples?
“This workshop is an innovative and impactful step towards healing. Working with the truth that has never been told about the American myth is vital to all of us in our country if we are to move forward in a more healthy way. ” – Brett Shelton (Lakota), Attorney, Native American Rights Fund
“Like everyone else I ask, I did not know about the Doctrine of Discovery. The [workshop] was an amazing experience that I expect to remember till my dying day. The mix of clear statements, together with the experiential learning, sent those lessons deep into my understanding.” – Jim Grant, Acadiana Friends Meeting, Louisiana
“This program brought up emotions that I haven’t let myself feel for a while. Now I am ready for action and my mind is spinning with ideas.” – Nico Larson, Naropa University
Sponsored by Quaker Oaks Farm, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Visalia, and Visalia Friends Meeting